Flor Garduño

Flor Garduño

  • Biography

    Flor Garduño was born in Mexico City on March 21, 1957. She studied arts at Mexico National
    University, where she focused on the search for the structural aspects of form and space.
    She became especially interested in the work of Kati Horna, the Hungarian photographer
    who left Europe during the rise of National Socialism. Horna’s personality had a significant
    impact on the development of Flor’s own work. She worked as a darkroom assistant to
    Manuel Álvarez Bravo, one of Mexico's most prestigious photographers. She perfected her
    photographic skills by processing prints in silver, platinum and palladium techniques; her
    career as a photographer was defined at this time.
    Flor has been intensely working for more than 30 years. Three main projects have been
    exhibited not just in many Latin American countries but in the United States, Europe and
    Russia: Witnesses of Time, Flor / Inner light and Trilogy.
    Her bibliography include Magia del juego eterno, Bestiarium, Witnesses of Time (Spanish,
    French, English, Italian and German editions), Mesteños (photographs of horses and Native
    Americans), Mummenschanz, Inner Light, Flor (Spanish, English, Italian and German editions
    from Inner Light), Silent Natures, The sonnets of William Shakespeare, Fantastic Women and
    Trilogy (a selection and new photos about Bestiarium, Fantastic women and Silent Natures;
    Italian, English and Spanish editions) and Flor Garduño, Photo Poche, published by Robert
    Delpire and Actes-Sud (Arles, France).

  • Exhibitions

    1982. Galería José Clemente Orozco, Mexico, DF, Mexico.
    1983. Cuatro de México, The Mexican Museum, San Francisco, California, USA.
    1986. Magic of the eternal game, Chambre Claire during “Le mois de la photo” in Paris, France.
    1987. Casa de América Latina, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
    1988. Bestiarium, Contemporary Art Gallery, Mexico City.
    1990. Bestiarium, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    1992-1993. Witnesses of time, l'Elysée Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    Witnesses of time, Reiss Mannheim Museum, Germany.
    Witnesses of time, Foto Fest, Houston, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, DF, Mexico.
    Witnesses of time, Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Americas Society, New York, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Meadows Museum of Art, Dallas, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Museo d’Arte di Mendrisio, Switzerland.
    1994. Witnesses of time, Museo de Monterrey, México; Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara, Mexico.
    Image and Memory: Latin American Photography, 1880-1992; Akron Art Museum, Akron, USA.
    Image and Memory: Latin American Photography, 1880-1992; Meadows Museum of Art, Dallas,
    Witnesses of Time, National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Pictureville, Bradford,
    United Kingdom.
    1995. Mesteños, Vision Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
    1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. Sponsored by Pro Helvetia, Switzerland:
    Witnesses of time, exhibition tour,
    -Museo de Arte Moderno, Guatemala.
    -Museo de Arte Contemporáneo y Diseño (CENAC), San José, Costa Rica.
    -Galería Foro de Arte, Quito, Ecuador.
    -Museo Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
    -Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela.
    -Galería Municipal, Lima, Perú.
    -Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia.
    -Museo de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    -Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Artes, Montevideo, Uruguay.
    -Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
    -Fourth International Photography Competition, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
    Witnesses of Time, Art Gallery, Scranton University, Estados Unidos.
    1997. Bestiarium, Museo voor Volkenkunde, Rotterdam, Holland.
    Witnesses of time, Chicago Arts Institute, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
    Witnesses of time, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
    1998. FLOR GARDUÑO, Del otro lado del charco, Ediciones T Galeria D’Art, Barcelona, Spain.
    2000. Mask and the man, Exma’ Communal Center for Art and Culture, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
    Witnesses of time, Ken Damy Museum, Brescia, Italy.
    Witnesses of time, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    2001. Individual exhibition, Throckmorton Gallery, New York, USA.
    La naturaleza de la naturaleza muerta, Modern Art Gallery, Bologna, Italy.
    2002. Flor, Centro de la Imagen, México DF, Mexico.
    Flor and The works in platinum-palladium, Communal Museum of Modern Art, Ascona,
    Woman, Swiss Cultural Center, Milan, Italy.
    2003. Inner Light (Flor) and Witnesses of time, GAM Modern Art Gallery, Bologna, Italy.
    Inner Light (Flor), selection, Jackson Fine Art Inc. Atlanta, USA.
    Inner Light (Flor), Fahey Klein Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
    Inner Light (Flor), Andrew Smith Gallery, Santa Fe, USA.
    Inner Light (Flor), Throckmorton Gallery, New York, USA.
    Inner Light (Flor), Naples Museum, Naples, Florida, USA.
    Flor, Museo de Fotografía Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Oaxaca, México.
    Flor, Fototeca de Nuevo León, Centro de las Artes, Monterrey, México.
    2004. Flor, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
    Flor, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay.
    Flor, Museum Veluwezoom, Museum Doorwerth Castle, Holland.
    Dreams and Metaphors, Galería Omar Alonso, Puerto Vallarta, México.
    Inner Light and Witnesses of time, selection, Paris Photo, Art75 Yves Di Maria Gallery, Paris,
    Inner Light, selection, Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla, USA.
    2005. Witnesses of time, Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA.
    Witnesses of time, Contemporary Art Center, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland.
    Witnesses of time, Huret & Spector Gallery, Emerson College, Boston, USA.
    Flor, Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia.
    Flor, Galería El Ojo Ajeno, Centro de la Imagen, Lima, Perú.
    Flor, Departamento General de Museos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Flor, Galería Marta Traba, Memorial Latinoamericano, São Paulo, Brasil.
    Flor, Mai Manó, House of Photography, Budapest, Hungary.
    Inner Light, Etherton Gallery, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
    Naturalezas silenciosas (Silent Natures), Galería Omar Alonso, Puerto Vallarta, México.
    Silent Natures, Spazio Officina, Chiasso, Switzerland.
    2006. Inner Light, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, USA.
    Inner Light, Museo de Roma, Trastevere, Rome, Italy.
    2007. Fantastic women, selection, Fahey Klein Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
    Fantastic women, selection, Riva Yares Gallery, Santa Fe, USA.
    Inner Light, selection, Guilford College Gallery, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
    2007-2008. Witnesses of time, Centro Portugués de Fotografía, Porto, Portugal.
    2008. Fantastic women, selection, Etherton Gallery, Tucson, USA.
    Fantastic women, selection, Throckmorton Gallery, New York, USA.
    Inner Light, selection, Holden Luntz Gallery, Palm Beach, USA.
    Mujeres Fantásticas, PENTE 10 Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal.
    2009. Fantastic women, selection, Throckmorton Gallery, New York, USA.
    Fantastic women, selection, Cultural Center, Dallas, USA.
    Fantastic women, selection, Thessa Harold Gallery, Paris, France.
    2010. Fantastic women, selection, Galería Omar Alonso, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
    2011. Trilogy, Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, DF, Mexico.
    Trilogy, Ex Convento de Santo Domingo, Oaxaca, Mexico.
    2012. Trilogy, Museo Arocena, Torreón, Coahuila, México.
    Dreams and Metaphors, photo selection from Inner Light – Flor y Testigos del Tiempo, Gallery of
    Classic Photography, Moscow, Russia.
    2013. La Rosa de los Vientos, Galería de Arte Mexicano, México, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
    Trilogy, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
    Notas de viaje, Galería La Turbina, Tepoztlán, Morelos, México.
    Witnesses of time, 27th Fair for Books and Press, Geneva, Switzerland.
    2015. Flor Garduño: Trilogy, The MacKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, Texas, USA.
    Variaciones en Flor, Blanca Berlin Gallery, Apertura 2015, Madrid, Spain.
    VISLUMBRES, Museo Exconvento de Tepoztlan, Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico.
    2016. Flor Garduño: Trilogy, Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, California, USA.
    Natural Elements: Flor Garduño, Andrew Smith Gallery (Vida Loca Gallery), Santa Fe, NM, USA.
    Flor Garduño: Photography, Brucie Collections Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine.
    Fantastic Women - Flor Garduño, Mexican Cultural Institute, Vienna, Austria (Eyes On Festival,
    European Month of Photography 2016).
    Witnesses of Time - Flor Garduño, Central European House of Photography, Bratislava, Slovakia
    (European Month of Photography 2016, MESIAC FOTOGRAFIE).
    Flor Garduño, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    2017. Flor Garduño: La Construcción del Instante, Palacio de Cultura CITIBANAMEX. Palacio de
    Iturbide, Mexico City, México.
    Flor Garduño. Memorias del presente, Patricia Conde Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
    Flor Garduño: La Construcción del Instante, Casa de Cultura Citibanamex – Casa del Mayorazgo
    de la Canal. San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    2018. Flor Garduño: La Construcción del Instante, Casa de Cultura Citibanamex – Museo Casa
    Montejo, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.
    Flor Garduño: Trilogy, Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, New York, USA.
    2019. FLOR GARDUÑO: LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL INSTANTE, Centro de las Artes de San Agustín, San Agustín Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico.

    1984. Collective exhibitions about Death in México, Paris, France.
    1986. A Spiritual Journey - Photography in Latin America, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA.
    Zürich, Kunsthaus Museum, Zürich, Switzerland.
    1990. OTHER IMAGES: OTHER REALITIES. Mexican Photography Since 1930, Sewall Art Gallery, Rice
    University, Houston, Texas, USA.
    1995-1997. Cofradía de luz, exhibition tour, Mexico.
    1997-1998. Siglo de Plata: fotografía mexicana, exhibition tour, Mexico.
    1998. Definition of the Eyes: Women Photographers in the 20th Century, Saint Louis Art Museum,
    Saint Louis, USA.
    1999. Esguards distants, Modern Art Museum of Valencia, IVAM, Valencia, Spain.
    2000. Visiting Latin America, Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery, Dallas, USA.
    2002. Latin American Artists 1980-2000, IDB Cultural Center, Washington D.C., USA.
    Fotografía i Colleccionisme a Llatinoamérica, Fundació Foto Colectania, Barcelona, Spain.
    2005. Children of the World: Witness for Tomorrow at the NTV, Tokyo, Japan.
    Classic Beauty, Throckmorton Gallery, New York, USA.
    2006. Mexican Photographers, Photography Biennial in Brescia, Italy.
    Common Ground: Discovering Community in 150 Years of Art, Raleigh, USA (organized by
    Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.).
    The Age of Innocence, Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery, Dallas, USA.
    Fantastic women, selection, Photography Biennial in Brescia, Italy.
    Ken Damy Colection, Museo Ken Damy, Brescia, Italy.
    2007. Both Sides of the Camera, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Maine, USA – photographs from the
    Judith Ellis Glickman collection.
    2008. Transmigration: Four Mexican Photographers in Europe, Cultural Institute of Mexico, Paris,
    ARCO, Galería Visor Valencia, Madrid, Spain.
    Photo Miami, Throckmorton Fine Art, Holden Luntz Gallery, Miami, USA.
    Basilea Art Fair, Ediciones Polígrafa, Basilea, Switzerland.
    The Figure Illuminated: Flor Garduño, Alvin Booth, Ralph Gibson, Etherton Gallery, Tucson,
    Arizona, USA.
    2009. Photo Twenty. Masters of 20th Century Photography, Museum of Art, Lugano, Switzerland.
    ARCO, Galería Visor Valencia, Madrid, Spain.
    Photo Miami, Galería Visor Valencia, Miami, USA.
    2010. ARCO, Galería Visor Valencia, Madrid, Spain.
    Nature Mortae, Photographica Fine Art, Lugano, Switzerland.
    Paris Photo, Galleria Forma, Paris, France.
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art, New York and Etherton Gallery, Tucson, USA.
    Photo Miami, Galería Visor Valencia, Miami, USA.
    Miradas sin rendición, INAH, Exposición Bicentenario, Guanajuato, México.
    Fotografía=Historia, Festival GuatePhoto, La Fototeca, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
    XVI Encuentros abiertos, Festival de la luz, Argentina.
    2010 SF Camerawork Benefit Auction, San Francisco, USA.
    Viva México, The Wittliff Collections, San Marco, Texas, USA.
    2011. Mujeres Detrás De La Lente. 100 Años de Creación Fotográfica en México 1010-2010, Museo
    Arocena, Torreón, Coahuila, México.
    Mujeres Detrás De La Lente. 100 Años de Creación Fotográfica en México 1010-2010, Centro
    Cultural Tijuana, El Cubo, Tijuana, Baja California Norte, México.
    2012. Enigma della modernità. Visarte Ticino-Zurigo: 10 proposte. VISARTE, SpazioOfficina, Chiasso,
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art, New York, USA.
    Zona MACO, México Arte Contemporáneo, Galería de Arte Mexicano, DF, México.
    Photo Fair, Moscow, Russia.
    Portugalidades: Visiones Alegóricas, Colegio Nacional de Fotografía, Sala de exposiciones
    Aurélio dos Reis,
    Centro Portugués de Fotografía, Lisboa, Portugal.
    Mujeres Detrás De La Lente. 100 Años de Creación Fotográfica en México 1010-2010, Museo
    Arocena, Torreón, Coahuila, México.
    El Cicle de la Vida. Música Antiga en el Solcs de L'Art Contemporani, Universitat de Valencia,
    Valencia, España.
    2013. Myth and Materiality: Latin American Art from the Permanent Collection, 1930-1990, Santa
    Barbara Museum of Art, California, USA.
    MACO, México Arte Contemporáneo, Galería de Arte Mexicano, DF, México.
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    See the Light—Photography, Perception, Cognition: The Marjorie and Leonard Vernon
    Collection, Los Angeles County Museum, California, USA.
    Le choix de Valentine Plisnier, Galerie Vallois Sculptures Modernes, Paris, France.
    Le radici dello sguardo, Nature morte tra quadri barocchi e inquadrature fotografiche del
    Novecento, Il Filatoio, Caraglio – Museo Civico Luigi Mallé, Dronero, Italy.
    Revisiting Latin america, Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery, Dallas, USA.
    2014. El ojo fino: The Exquisite Eye. Contemporary Women Photographers from Mexico, Southeast
    Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA.
    Mujeres Detrás De La Lente. 100 Años de Creación Fotográfica en México 1010-2010, Fototeca
    de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.
    Luz restirada: Latin American Photography from the University of New Mexico Art Museum,
    Albuquerque, Nuevo México, USA.
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    Luz restirada: Latin American Photography from the University of New Mexico Art Museum,
    The University of New Mexico College of Fine Arts, Nuevo Mexico, USA.
    Mexico: Fantastic Identity, 20th Century Masterpieces, FEMSA Collection, Ayala Museum,
    ART ÉLYSÉES, Galerie David Guiraud, Paris, France.
    FOTOFEVER, Galerie David Guiraud, Paris, France.
    PARIS PHOTO 2014, Patricia Conde Galería, Paris, France.
    2015. ZONA MACO, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
    Mexico: Fantastic Identity, 20th Century Masterpieces, FEMSA Collection, MOLAA, Museum of
    Latin American Art, California, USA.
    Photo London, Blanca Berlín Galería, Somerset House, London, England.
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    Visionarias. Mujeres fotógrafas en la colección FMN, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas,
    Tiempo Perdido Lost Time - Latin American Photography, Peter Fetterman Gallery, Santa
    Monica, California, USA.
    PHOTO BASEL International Art Fair, Galerie David Guiraud, Basel, Switzerland.
    Women Pioneers Mexican Photography I, Throckmorton Fine Art, New York, USA.
    El Retorno de la Serpiente. Mathias Goeritz y la Arquitectura Emocional, Museo Amparo,
    Puebla, Mexico.
    Looking In, Looking Out: Latin American Photography, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California,
    The Compassionate Eye: Women Behind The Lens, Holden Luntz Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida,
    2016. AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    Photo London, Blanca Berlín Galería, Somerset House, London, England.
    Mexico: Fantastic Identity, 20th Century Masterpieces, FEMSA Collection, Museo del Canal
    Interoceánico de Panamá, Panama.
    2017. She loves me, She loves me not, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California, USA.
    La Beauté Mise à nu, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris, France.
    Bank of America Collections, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, USA.
    ZONA MACO, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City, Mexico.
    VARIACIONES EN FLOR, Festival Latitudes, Museo de Huelva, Huelva, Spain.
    AIPAD, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    VIEWPOINTS: LATIN AMERICA IN PHOTOGRAPHS, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, New York
    Public Library, Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
    SEHNSUCHT | ANHELO, Key works from the Michael Horbach Collection, Köln, Germany.
    She loves me, She loves me not, Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa, Florida, USA.
    UNSETTLED, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, USA.
    TODO PAISAJE, Galería Quetzalli, Oaxaca, Mexico.
    SURREALISMO, Ojos de México, Throckmorton Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
    2018. ARGENTIQUE, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris, France.
    FLOR GARDUÑO Mexiko, Fotografie - FRANCINE MURY Tessin, Schweiz, Mischtechnik
    Fotografie, Monotypie, Galerie SC. Klein, Darmstadt, Germany.
    HÍBRIDOS: EL CUERPO COMO IMAGINARIO, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City,
    GRANDES ARTISTAS LATINOAMERICANOS, Colección FEMSA, Centro Cultural La Moneda,
    Santiago, Chile.
    TRANSICIÓN Y RUPTURA EN MÉXICO, Colección FEMSA, Museo Palacio Rioja, Viña del Mar,
    AMÉRICA TIERRA DE JINETES. Del charro al gaucho, siglos XIX a XXI, Palacio de Cultura
    Citibanamex – Palacio de Iturbide, Mexico City, Mexico.
    PHOTO LONDON, Bildhalle Gallery, Somerset House London, London, England.
    Luces y Sombras: Images of Mexico, Works from the Bank of America Collection.
    Alma Mexicana em terras lusas: Centro Portugues de Fotografía ( CPF), Porto, Portugal.
    Carlos, CDMX, Mexico.
    MAS QUE MUSAS, Museo de arte e historia de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    AIPAD FAIR 2019, Throckmorton Fine Arts Inc, New York, USA.
    Juan O´Gorman contra el olvido, 50 años de distrucción de su casa- cueva, Galería Andrea Pozzo, Mexico City.
    Exposición de poral, Xolos, Compañeros de viaje, Museo del Carmen, Mexico City.
    Espacios de reflexión y fantasía, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City.
    Paris Photo 2019, Patricia Conde Galería, Paris, France.
    Paris Photo 2019, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris, France.
    2020. ZONA MACO, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City, Mexico.
    ART BASEL, Galería Blanca Berlín, (Online), Madrid, Spain.
    FERNWEH, Galería Bild Halle, Zürich, Switzerland.

Showing all 2 artworks

Complete list of works

Flor Garduño

Sixto, Alto de la Paz, Bolivia, 1990
23 x 17.5 cm Framed: 50 x 40 cm platinum print $2,750.00

Flor Garduño

Reina, Guatemala, 1989
Framed: 48 x 38 cm platinum palladium print $2,750.00